Congratulations on the 15th Pan-American Championships!
I sincerely congratulate you on hosting the 15th Pan-American Championships. The first Pan-American Championships was held as the first overseas operation in the history of WSKF, and now it is held for the first time here in Quebec, Canada.
When the Tohoku Earthquake hit last year, we received warm messages and relief donations from the Pan-American and other countries. The reconstruction has not been completed yet, however I wish you will see the revival at the time of the 7th WSKF Championships next year. I believe that these championships with it near at hand is significantly meaningful to the participating countries as well as the athletes. Our WSKF presently plays an important part of succeeding the right traditional techniques of Shitoryu in the world, as a part of WKF. I have become an EC member of WKF as a representative of WSKF last year, and currently am making efforts on the appropriate development of Karatedo in the world and making Krate become one of the events in Olympics. I am pleased to learn that Ms. Rebecca Khoury, one of the EC Members of WKF in Canada, is participating in these championships. I am also invited and want to run to Canada, however as you know, I am very sorry for not being able to participate this time as recuperating my health.
I pray that the athletes who are participating in the championships from Pan-American countries will show their results of daily training to do their best. In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the officials who made a plan and are managing the championships. I pray from the bottom of my heart that the championships will be successful.
Iwaki Hashimoto,
Vice-President & Managing Director, WSKF, and EC, WKF
昨年の東日本震災におきましては、パンアメリカン地区の皆さまから、又世界から心温まるお言葉と多くの義媛金を頂きました。まだまだ復興の道半ばではありますが、来年の第7回WSKF世界大会には其の復興した姿をお目に掛けたいと思っています。 其の世界大会を控えての今回のこの大会は、参加する国々にとっても選手にとっても大いに意義と意味のある大会に成ると思います。いま私達のWSKFは世界の糸東流の正しい伝統ある技術の継承と共にWKFの組織団体としてその役割を担っています。 私も一昨年からWSKFを代表して、WKFのECメンバーとなり、世界の空手道が正しい方向に発展し、オリンピック正式種目に成るよう力を尽くしています。 又カナダにはWKFのECメンバーである、レベッカ・クォーリー女史がおられ今回の大会にも来られる事をお聞きし嬉しい気持ちでおります。 私も本大会に招待を受け、是非とも駆け付けたい所で在りますが、ご存じのように体調を崩したため静養中で在り参加する事が出来ずに、誠に残念であり大変申し訳なく思っております。
パンアメリカンの各国から本大会に参加された選手の皆さんは、日ごろからの鍛錬の成果を充分に発揮され全力を尽くされる事を祈ります。 最後に今大会を企画運営されました役員の皆さまに心から感謝を申し上げ、本大会の成功を心からお祈り申し上げてご挨拶としたいと思います。