It is my great pleasure to congratulate you on the 15th Panamerican Shitoryu Karatedo Championships to be magnificently held at Gatineau Sports Center in Quebec, Canada, where the world class athletes selected from Pan-American countries gathering.
As learning that “ottawa” originated from “meeting place” in the First Nation’s language, I am impressed that Ottawa is the best suitable place for you to gather. In the previous championships held in Merida, Mexico, wonderful matches with full of fight were unfolded before our eyes. I expect that the participants will fully demonstrate their spirit, techniques and physical fitness, and fair play with good manners.
Lastly, I pray that the circle of friendships fostered through Karatedo will contribute to the world peace though it is limited. At the same time, I would appreciate the members of Shitoryu in Canada and related people who made efforts on opening the championships, from the bottom of my heart.
Tadashi Arai,
Vice-President, WSKF
本日ここに、第15回パン・アメリカン糸東流空手道大会がCanada Gatineau
終わりに、空手道を通じて培われた友情の輪が世界平和に微力ながら貢献できるよう祈念するとともに、本大会の開催にご尽力をいただきましたCanada糸東流の皆様はじめ、関係諸国の皆様に心から感謝申し上げ私のお祝いの言葉といたします 。
祝 辞
新 居 正